Achieving a High Google Ranking – how important is it for businesses?

Many people think of Google as the digital-age Yellow Pages! We discuss here; how important is a high rank on Google for businesses online? Should businesses aim for page one ranking? We also share some tips on how a high ranking can be achieved.

Google now dominates 90% searches, which is pretty much a monopoly. It can be tempting to crave to be number one in Google search, but is it the place to be for your company? There are certainly many ways to improve your rank and is it possible to still cheat?

There are lots of SEO companies out there who mislead and trick companies into paying monthly fees in return for automatically generated reports and graphs. Baffled by the page and pages of intense information and statistics, lots are fooled by this unfortunately. These fake SEO companies do not actually detail the work that they have carried out and often get away with merely rebranding printouts. Judging a good SEO company from a bad one is difficult.

So, is Google really the best place to focus marketing?

Being the Top of Google search engine may not lead to more profit for your company or customers. It is true that the aim of your website should not be sacrificed to get to the top of Google. Keeping your website visitors happy is the priority.

However, having number one place on Google is like having the biggest page one advert of the Yellow pages (when it was the directory bible). The first organic result on page 1 gets 38% of clicks for target searches, giving them the competitive edge. 75% of clicks go to the page one of search results – read more at page one Google what it’s really worth.

Apparently being number one on Google can be enough to sustain business in some sectors without having to spend a penny or dollar more on any other marketing activities. This is a risky, albeit impossible, strategy for most businesses.

We explain about how search engines and content work in our article “6 Basics Tips for Boosting Rank Organically - SEO Content Strategy”.

How does Google Decide on Rank?

  • If website is relevant to search it scores higher

  • The general popularity of the website (authority)

  • Number of pages and amount of content

  • User experience – no broken links and low bounce rate

Secure Your Share of the Google Pie

A strategy for Google dominance is always good, or at least your section of crust. Here are a few tips how this can be achieved:

  • Identifying search terms high rank would be desirable

  • Selecting from these profitable keyword terms ‘the ones to go after’

  • Include lots of well-written descriptive text content in your website pages

  • Have plenty of links to your website (particularly from authority sites in the same industry)

  • A marketing strategy to achieve organic ranking (not paid for)

  • A plan for regular industry specific news, blog and keyword fuelled articles

  • Social media strategy

  • Use of advertising – when it has its place

  • Appearing in local searches Google + business

  • Use of promotional videos to leapfrog rank positions

  • Registration with relevant directories

The Cheat Strategy

Most of the websites that offered the cheap link building tactics have disappeared since the Panda update. Google now punishes sites that use the low-quality links that trick visitors into clicking on them. Websites that rely on this cheap strategy of low quality back links from spam sites will plummet in rank.

The Sure Strategy

The only sure way to ensure a high rank nowadays is through putting in the hard work and providing highly authoritative and relevant content that your website visitors will love.

This can be achieved through a well-defined digital marketing strategy with a strong foundation of target keywords and a consistent, regular flow of engaging content. Combining this with your social channels strategy is highly effective.

It’s not about getting to the top and receiving the most website visitors but attracting the RIGHT CUSTOMERS to your website whom are more likely to do business with you.

Changing Digital Marketing Landscapes

It should be noted that like search engine updates, the social media landscape also evolves. Every 6 months a change should be expected. Marketing plans are therefore required to become more fluid – read our blog “Marketing Planning in Evolving Digital World”.

Finding time for digital marketing strategy as a small business owner and entrepreneur is often difficult. Access to trusted resources who can offer the best advice for your budget is tricky business. Clear Goal Marketing would be happy to assist in developing and delivering effective digital marketing and social media strategies.

Clear Goal can assist contact Wendy email or tel: 07980 707198 or visit

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