Effective Marketing Planning - the Importance of Trial & Error, & Monitoring Results

Updated: Jun 11, 2020

So now, by this stage, you should have a marketing plan! The next stage is to think about how you will go about making it all happen! The best way to start is by creating a schedule of activity aka an ‘implementation plan’.

It is not just about ‘who will do what by when’, but also thinking about how the project will be best executed and creating a list of tasks and priorities.

For example, if you plan to exhibit at an exhibition it is best to plan in advance everything you will need for the event, such as campaign activity (before, during and after the event), pop-up graphics, product samples, literature, staff, promotional items and even hotel bookings.

If you are planning to launch a new campaign, you will need to consider things like which magazines or publications you want to advertise in, check out readership statistics so you can make an informed choice.  If e-shots are on your to-do-list then you may need to consider purchasing data and, prior to that, you should check out where you stand with regards to GDPR regulations. 

If new branding is on your plan, you may need to consult a marketing agency for advice. Depending on the size of the marketing project you may need to appoint a graphic designer to work on your designs however, prior to that, you will need to develop a clear project brief detailing your exact requirements. 

Every marketing project has a time factor, which should be considered and put into your plan so everything runs on-time and to budget. 

Trial & Error and Not Expecting Results Too Soon

Successful marketing can often be a case of trial and error - doing more of what is working and less of what is not!  It sounds obvious right?  

Yes it is, however so many business owners do not make the necessary plans to implement their strategy correctly, missing vital pieces of the puzzle; not being consistent in their messaging, giving up too soon and not having the time to dedicate to marketing.

Reviewing Results

  • Consider how you will measure the results? 

  • Such as the number of leads or enquiries that you receive.

How will you monitor the increase in awareness levels of your brand, product or service?  

Consider whether further research will be required to feed market knowledge into your marketing strategy? For example, as you launch your product you may wish to focus on a small segment of the market and gather customer feedback to improve your offer.   

  • How will can success be monitored? 

  • What went well? Not so well?

Think about how improvements can be made.  So many companies carry on with strategies that are not working for them because it is the way they have always done things.

Sometimes clients are tied into agencies that are not working in their best interests.  They are easily convinced by reports showing their marketing is yielding results, however do not have the knowledge to challenge them or consider if they are the right results for them. 

It is about looking at the amount spent overall on marketing and thinking hard about whether the tools being currently used are the best value for the business.  

Often budgets are pooled into one area and other opportunities can be overlooked.  It is only when customers tell their suppliers what their competitors are doing for them (which they are not) that other marketing techniques are seen and the alarm bells start to ring.

How can plan improvements be made?

Ensure that customer feedback loops exist – knowing what your customers want and think is so valuable.

  • What exactly have you learned from the marketing activities pursued? 

  • How can more value be added? 

  • What plan adaptations would you make?

  • How are your competitors marketing their business?  

  • What are they doing that is different to your marketing?  Try to estimate how much budget your competitors spend on their marketing. 

A final note

Only companies who actively plan for growth, are willing to change and adapt their marketing strategies, will ensure value for money is received from their budgets. 

Clear Goal Marketing offers a marketing management service, that works with companies directly to ensure a clear marketing strategy is developed and value for money is received from marketing budgets.

Alignment of sales and marketing efforts is a crucial recipe for success that is often missed in larger companies where departments work in isolation.  Clear Goal Marketing’s strapline is “Marketing that makes commercial sense” and aims to streamline marketing efforts so they are focused on business objectives, targets and delivering results.

We would like to wish you well with planning your marketing strategy for your business, and if we can help in any way please get in-touch. 

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