Struggling to put pen to paper? Nothing to write about?
You're not alone....
We address this top blogging problem with some practical tips on overcoming writer’s block in under 10 minutes

Struggling to make a start with your blog or think of a topic to write about? Fed up of starring at a blank piece of paper? It is very annoying.
There is nothing like a bit of time pressure to beat any kind of procrastination you may be experiencing and really focus the mind. Check out our tips below but first consider the environment in which you work.
If it's just not happening where you normally work, say at your desk or computer, why not change your surroundings? You could sit in a different room where you feel more inspiration to write, or sit in your garden, venture down to a cafe, or sit in your local park.
But for now, make yourself a cup of tea and while you drink it why not check out our "How to Avoid Writers Block Syndrome" tips below:
Get a stop-clock or use your phone’s timer
Grab a notebook and pen
Step One:
Set 2 minutes timer – press go!
Write a list of subject areas or topics – as many as you can think of
Step Two:
Set a 30 seconds timer – press go!
Choose a blog topic that catches your eye or a suitable first blog
Step Three:
Set 2 minutes timer – press go!
Write as much as you can about the theme or topic areas and focus on getting down as many bullet points or notes down as you can – these are like sub-headings in your blog.
Step Four:
Set another 2 minutes timer – press go!
Look at the notes you have made and organise them into a logical story and add in other topic headings you think of filling any gaps.
Step Five:
Write your Blog!
Once you have a list of headings for your blog, you can then start to write the content for each point, elaborating on them.
Aim for 350-550 words, however complex subject areas do not be afraid to go up to 1000 words.
Try not to waffle and aim to produce a blog that provides loads of added value for your reader, who will hopefully become your next customer very soon!

Still finding blogging a struggle?
If you find you are really stuck, that blogging is taking up far too much time, or you are simply not enjoying it then you could look to outsource. Before you do that, consider other employees who can take part in the blogging process, you may have an avid writer in the mists!
Consider the areas in your business where you can collect information, i.e. technical department, customer services or management team. Use a marketing or PR agency to pull together your blogs for you. A list of blog titles, themes, topic areas and company contacts are all a good blogger will need to create your blogs.
If you have read this far, thank you for taking the time to read our blog. We hope that you have lots of fun blogging! Should you need further advice on blogging why not get in-touch, we would be happy to help you. We offer monthly packages that help to busy business owners and marketing departments free up their time.